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no shot造句

"no shot"是什么意思  
  • If you kick ' em out , they ' ve got no shot
  • Tango one i ' ve got no shot . do you have a clear line offire
  • Otherwise , i have no shot at taking back this carnival
  • [ tango one ] i ' ve got no shot . do you have a clear line offire
  • - no shot . - $ 20
  • We locate it ! damn it ! get it off . - i ' ve got no shot , it ' s not clear before i can fire
    -找到了!该死的!引它离开. -我没法射击,引它离开我好开火
  • Next to the serve , no shot is more terminal than the forehand ? i . e . , no single shot is best - poised to end a point more emphatically than a forehand
    除了发球,就属正手最具杀伤力了? ?即是说,没有比正手一击拿下一分更酷的事情了。
  • The frequency of shoot regeneration from callus derived from cotyledons was higher than that from hypocotyls . no shoot was obtained from the callus derived from root tip
    筛选得到愈伤组织诱导的最适培养基为ms 05mg lba十1刀mg lnaa 。
  • The aim is to retain a “ competitive balance ” so that fans do not lose interest in the game , thinking that their club has no shot at victory
    目的在于维持“竞争平衡” ,这样球迷们才不会认为自己的俱乐部毫无赢球的指望,而失去对比赛的兴趣。
  • Come away , and take your horse , that me may shoot the creature ; he hears me , and crys out , no shoot , no shoot , stand still , you get much laugh
    他听到了我的话,就叫起来: "别打,别打!站着不要动,好戏在后面哪! "星期五生就一双飞毛腿,他跑两步,熊才跑一步。
  • It's difficult to see no shot in a sentence. 用no shot造句挺难的
  • Come to think of it , this training was really counter productive as we had no shooting experience whatsoever and had to face the venerable 1903 springfield shooting full power 30 - 06
  • He had thought he would be safe , at least for a time , in this wood . there was no shooting as yet : he had to rear the pheasants . he would have no guns to serve
  • No shoot , me shoot , by and then ; he would have said , by and by : however , to shorten the story , friday danc d so much , and the bear stood so ticklish , that we had laughing enough indeed , but still could not imagine what the fellow would do ; for first we thought he depended upon shaking the bear off ; and we found the bear was too cunning for that too ; for he would not go out far enough to be thrown down , but clings fast with his great broad claws and feet , so that we could not imagine what would be the end of it , and where the jest would be at last
  • Cotyledon without petiole showed a significantly lower frequency of shoot regeneration ( 16 . 7 % ) compared with that of entire cotyledon ( 33 . 8 % ) , but the average number of shoots per explant ( 4 . 2 ) was more than that of entire cotyledon ( 2 . 5 ) . no shoot was obtained when the petiole alone was cultured . the frequency of shoot regeneration ( 8 . 3 % , 12 . 5 % ) and average number of shoots per explant ( 2 . 3 , 1 . 7 ) from the upper section of lamina or one side of lamina was lower than those of entire cotyledon
    另一方面,以“种都一号”儿菜的不同子叶部位作为外植体所进行的研究结果表明,不带子叶柄的完整叶片其芽再生率( 16 . 70 )显著低于带子叶柄的完整子叶( 33 . 8 ) ,但平均再生芽数,前者( 4 . 2 )却高于后者( 2 . 5 ) ;子叶柄不能进行芽的分化;不带子叶柄的子叶尖端和子叶一侧,其芽再生率(分别为12 . 5 、 8 . 30 )及再生芽数(分别为2 . 3 、 1 . 7 )也明显低于带子叶柄的完整子叶。
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